A poem a day in April from Rutgers English PhD students and friends.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


is there yet an academic discipline
that studies recycling,
an equivalent to garbology, started
by w. rathje in 1973?

i refuse to accept that the two are
related, that garbology
somehow is enough. (but i would accept
this argument: garbology

is the study of what a society throws
away while recycology--
my coinage; "re-return of the repressed!"
--is the study of what

a society would like to throw away but
has been shamed into
having a social conscience about.
(o! speaking of shame,

i've been doing some amateur recycology
w/ my downstairs neighbors'
recycling. someone in that apartment is
drinking, every 2 weeks

one large multi-liter bottle of water.
& that's it. what is the
source of my shame? my own recycling is
far more ample than theirs.

for some reason, though, it makes me think
that they live far more
harmoniously w/ nature than i do--what kind
of envy i ask is this?)

(on the other
hand, maybe
they throw
away things
they ought
to recycle.

(they're from indonesia, after all.)))


  1. herein, your tradition:

  2. The dust trade! Not environmental consciousness though, but trash-into-cash. Hey, that's still recycling.


  3. i think this is the third time i've seen you link dusty bob patrick!

  4. Anyone like Harryette Mullen? She's got a collected called _Recyclopedia_.
