A poem a day in April from Rutgers English PhD students and friends.

Sunday, April 3, 2011


The revolution is shedding like crazy.
The revolution will be ready in, like, half an hour.
The revolution thinks it's time to put the screens back in.
The revolution wobbles at the corner.
The revolution is staid and plaid.
The revolution has to lean into the window if it wants to hear you clearly.
The revolution has a room of its own.
The revolution blows from center to margin like a dustbunny.
The revolution left the bong packed for you.
The revolution requires an adapter.
The revolution can't find the can opener.
The revolution hates puns.
The revolution should stop hitting 'refresh' and get on with its day.
The revolution thinks it's too old for icicle light strings.
The revolution only does the dishes it needs.
The revolution needs a proper spice rack.
The revolution gets bunchy at the corners.
The revolution has vowed to use its chin-up bar every morning.
The revolution left its keys in the door.
The revolution makes the cat jealous.
The revolution knows way up here, your apartment is a battlement.
The revolution flag waves like basil leaves on the fire escape.


  1. Like space-time at home, only a revolution.

    The revolution DEFINITELY needs to use that chin-up bar. There will be a lot of obstacles in its way that can only be defeated by upper-body strength.

  2. Yeah it's like, Get in shape, revolution!

  3. The Revolution has excellent bong etiquette!

  4. That is what keeps it from turning into some Robespierrian nightmare! Unless Robespierre also had excellent bong etiquette. I'm no expert.
