A poem a day in April from Rutgers English PhD students and friends.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014


It turns out that I'm afraid of looking like a crone after all.
It turns out that I need to revise that last line: I'm afraid of looking like a mom.
It turns out that I can't fix anything except sometimes very small things.
It turns out that I treat everyone like they're my mother.
It turns out that I'm worried about you changing.
It turns out that I feel pretty incomplete without you.
It turns out that it's faster to take Ocean Avenue home.
It turns out that the sky is rose-colored and falling on our heads.
It turns out that if one of us is a Tori Amos song we are both Tori Amos songs about widows.
It turns out that the Sex and the City guy I should be with is Harry.
It turns out that the man I should marry is my own husband.
It turns out that I can't get through one verse of that song Where Are You Going without crying.
It turns out that my crying and singing does nobody any good.
It turns out that I once made a very good joke about donut holes.
It turns out that if you sit like a man you may or may not talk like a man.
It turns out that if you type like a man you may email like a man.
It turns out that if you take up more physical space people will take you more or less seriously depending on your gender.
It turns out that I'm not that kind of woman.
It turns out that I'm very bad at time management.
It turns out that I needed all my vowels.
It turns out that this month was cruel in only the most ordinary way.
It turns out that today I am a whole month older.

1 comment:

  1. The pileup of lessons is so moving! (I don't know if your crying and singing does nobody any good...! I would argue the other way!)
