A poem a day in April from Rutgers English PhD students and friends.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

two roses!

two roses! Blooming! 
on two sides of a fence, and,
climbing, the one leans over to the other,
in sweet sleep beneath the cool Spring night, curling up toward the sky:

Read with me tonight, dream with me its story again,
of how our unseen roots forever entangle as the days pass on
and, with the sunlight's pulling, together save that memory
that saturates the air and washes over the fresh red of our naked hearts with dew

1 comment:

  1. cousin who studies botany didn't really get it, so..:

    No worries!

    Honestly, I think of Poetry as a continuous narrative distinct from poets.. so jumping into the 21st century is like skipping the earlier parts of a movie or something..

    If you explain a poem you take a bit of the self-discovery but I think with this poem it's not a bad idea..

    Roses are traditionally symbolic of poetic conceit, or the poet's soul.. it's the idea blooming or growing or meeting the light.. lol but you're right I think they are tulips..

    The idea of the two roses here though is a metaphor for poet and reader.. that they bloom together in a sense..

    Recently, memory and remembering were continuous themes on the blog.. so what I was going for was the idea just like humans or poets remember something and try to capture or save it with words.. flowers, too, maybe nightly, remember the warmth of the sun.. and hold onto it tight..

    I went even further to relate the scientific understanding of dew point.. the relative temperature at which the air can be saturated by the heat given off by the flowers.. as though the poetic process were similar and we are kind of washed by the memories we conjure up both in reading and writing..

    But I don't blame you.. poetry is about community.. without community it just looks like self-inflated procrastination or something.. and isn't really worth the trouble.. wallahu a'lam!

    Also.. what I thought you might find interesting was what I did with nyctinasty.. besides the word sounding like "nasty".. nastic motions, generally attributed to flowers closing up like that, are considered "non-directional".. but to me that seems wrong.. it feels as though the flowers are "curling up towards the sky" like in the poem.. so it was my attempt to replace the scientific with the poetic.. :)

    Thanks for the read anyway!
