A poem a day in April from Rutgers English PhD students and friends.

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Secular Calendar

Can I even do this without Easter,
I ask myself, putting the car into park,
that last moment when the baby
is no one's responsibility but the car seat's--

meanwhile all Holy Week, Sudafed
& antibiotics & candy & Photoshop
& candy & fingernails & ribbon
& Jane &  Providence, that mental stillness

of my childhood bedroom & Paul
in Brooklyn & my mom doing childcare
& my ears so congested that the silence
was real, for once

I didn't write it, I told myself to wait

but it was Holy Week, not April
it was Providence
& loneliness
& illness

Holy Thursday, setting out for the PF Chang's at the mall
we met the Easter Bunny--me, and Mom, and Jane--
he hopped right up to us, he was so friendly, we were full of wonder
but he got so close, he seemed so unafraid, he was a wild
brown rabbit but he got so close to Jane & finally I jerked
wide & sudden and he leapt off and Mom was worried
and Jane was worried because we were worried
and I said oh he's just going home to work on your Easter basket
get in the car so you know, as Sandra's baby cousin said in 1996
don't wait, don't waste time, right, just let the little creetcha in


  1. I just realized how poignantly named a town Providence is, from the perspective of Easter Week. Glad you found a way to fit an Easter poem in this year-- !

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